About Us

We are focusing on R&D related to Visual, Sensing and Intelligent System. Our group is lead by Prof. Wei Zhang, who received his Ph.D at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). He previously worked as a Postdoc scholar at University of California, Berkeley (UC Berkeley). He is a member of IEEE and CSIG, and was appointed as Distinguished Expert by Shandong government.

Prof. Zhang has published about 40 technical articles in top journals and proceedings in the areas of image, computer vision and intelligent system. His work was supported by US DoD, HK RGC, NSFC, Shandong Province and industry. He also holds several international patents issued by US, Japan, Korea, Hong Kong and China.

He is the finalist of Hong Kong Young Scientist 2010 and received several international awards from IEEE. He served as the chair or steering committee member of many famous international conferences such as CVPR, ICCV, ECCV, ICIP, ROBIO, ICIA, ICAL, etc. He is also the reviewer of top international journals such as TPAMI, TIP, PR, TMM, TCSVT, SPL, SPIC, VCIR, etc.

地址 : 山东省 济南市 历下区 经十路 17923号 山东大学千佛山校区

邮箱 : info@.balsisvcom
